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Bob Walters

Friends and colleagues report the sad news that former lobbyist Robert “Bob” Walters died Aug. 5 after a brief fight against an aggressive cancer. Walters began his career in Sacramento in 1966 as a member of Gov. Ronald Reagan’s transition team. In 1967, he was appointed as assistant to the secretary of Health and Welfare, and later worked in the Capitol as assistant to the Majority Floor Leader of the Assembly. From 1973 to 1991, Walters was a partner in his firm Biddle, Walters and Bukey before joining California Advocates in 1992. He retired in 2003 and was later elected to the board of directors for the San Juan Water District, where he continued to serve up until his death. In 2009, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Walters to the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. Ralph Simoni, former president of California Advocates, said of his former colleague, “Once you met him, you always worked with him.” Walters’ family is planning a memorial service and celebration of life in September. Contact: Dee McCafferty 916 554 7415.