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Baby Jacob

Curtis Grima, chief of staff to Asm. James Gallagher, proudly reports that he and his wife Megan Grima welcomed their first child into the world. Their son, Jacob Raymond Grima, was born Monday, December 26 at 9:09 p.m. at Fremont Memorial Hospital in Yuba City. He weighed seven pounds, seven ounces and measured nearly 21 inches long at birth. Grima says “mom and baby Jacob are both happy and healthy.” Megan is a fourth generation family farmer who helps run her family businesses, Stephens Farmhouse and Stephens Ranch, and baby Jacob gets his middle name from his late great-grandfather Raymond Stephens, who was a Sutter County farmer and California Canning Peach Assn. Board Member. “Our family of three is doing great and feeling very blessed and overwhelmed by love for our new little guy,” Grima said. Contact: curtis.grima@asm.ca.gov.