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Swing Space concept art
Photo courtesy of DGS

Dept. of General Services has announced construction has begun on the new “Swing Space” state office building on O St. between 10th and 11th across from the Secretary of State’s Office. The new building, which is expected to be completed in the fall of 2021, will house legislative and administrative offices while the Capitol Annex is being rebuilt, hence the name “swing space,” referring to those who will be moving into this building before they swing back to the new old one. DGS says for the majority of the time between now and the building’s completion there will be a “K rail perimeter” in place, blocking automobile traffic on westbound O St, closing off parking and the bike lane on 10th and reducing 11th to one northbound lane. When all’s done, the “Swing Space” will be 10 stories tall and have 472,600 square feet of space. Besides housing legislative and administrative offices, it will also have rooms for committee hearings and caucus meetings. Upon the completion of the annex project, the Swing Space is expected to be home for 2,200 other employees. Contact: 916 376 5037.