Leaderboard Ad

Leaderboard Ads appear between Sections in The Report. Ad placement changes each time the screen is refreshed.

  • We have limited inventory for Leaderboard ads which are sold on a first-come first-served basis. Purchases are limited to a maximum of 3 consecutive months at one time.
  • To claim space in advance for certain dates, you must purchase them with a credit card.  Please choose dates carefully, as we will not credit or refund or switch dates once purchased. On the first of each month, we open space two months out for purchase.  For example, on November 1, you can purchase in January; on December 1, for February; etc.
  • You are allowed to use a “placeholder ad” if you are purchasing in advance.  But it is your responsibility to get us the correct creative and associated URL two business days before your ad goes live. There is no switching of one creative for another once the ad goes live.
Directions and Requirements
  • Select the start date and length of time for the ad to run.  Days are publishing days, which are weekdays only, so do not include weekends or holidays in your purchase. 
    • If you want to run your ad from Friday through Monday, you will buy 2 days.  Do not purchase Saturday or Sunday as we don't publish on the weekends.
    • 10 days = two calendar weeks (10 weekdays)
    • A month = four consecutive calendar weeks (20 consecutive weekdays)
  • Only static (not flashing) ads will be used.  File size should be 150kb or less.
  • Upload your ad in .jpg or .png format.
    • (Required) 728 x 90 desktop size.
    • (Optional) 300 x 250 size will appear on mobile phones, if uploaded.
  • Title your ad for internal reference only.  (The title will not appear in CMR.)
  • Add the website link you'd like our readers to see when your ad is clicked.
Payment, Approval, and Refunds
  • All ads will be approved by CMR before publication.
  • You will pay with a credit card when you place the ad, but we will refund 100% of the amount if your ad is not approved. 
  • No refunds for pulling an ad before its expiration date.


If you have questions, call us at 916 443 5883 weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Required, but for internal use only. Title will NOT appear in the Report.

Required field. Static (not flashing) images only.

(max file size 150 KB)
Leaderboard Image

Optional. You don’t have to upload an image for the Mobile platform.

(max file size 150 KB)
Mobile Image

Required. Add the website link you’d like our readers to see when your ad is clicked.

Earliest start date is tomorrow or our next publishing day.

Select Run Time:

subtotal Select Length 0 publishing days