Subscription Information

Subscribe and follow events in California government and politics.

Reading the Report

We publish a new edition each weekday, usually between 5:30 and 6 a.m. When the new edition goes up, subscribers receive an email with a link to our password protected Report page. Subscribers may go directly to the login page on our website to read the current Report anytime of day.

Benefits of Subscribing

View our archives which begin with the August 7, 2006 edition. Receive discounted rates to advertise in our popular classified section.

Copyright Protection

All subscribers must have their own password to read the Report. Passwords may not be shared. Subscribers who make electronic copies of the Report and distribute them to non-subscribers violate our copyright. The only feasible protection we have against copyright pirates is the honor system and requiring that organizations of more than 10 people buy a group subscription.

Refund Policy

There are no refunds for canceling your Capitol Morning Report subscription before it expires. Buying a subscription allows access to CMR and its archives for the year. At time of renewal, you will receive an invoice which must be actively paid. We don't offer reoccurring charges.

Group Subscriptions

Public agencies, private companies, nonprofits or any other type of organization with over 10 people working or volunteering for it must buy a group subscription. Please choose the size of your group subscription which most appropriately fits the number of people who will read the Report. Please respect our copyright: turning the Report into a .pdf or any other electronic format and sending it to non-subscribers, even to coworkers, is illegal and damages our business.

The person who fills out the following information becomes the "Group Manager" and becomes responsible for managing the account -- adding or deleting readers, receiving invoices, updating contact information, etc.


Up to 2 readers


Up to 5 readers


Up to 10 readers


Up to 15 readers


Up to 20 readers


Up to 25 readers


Up to 50 readers


Up to 75 readers


Up to 100 readers


Individual Subscriptions

Individual subscriptions are available to sole proprietors. With an individual subscription, the Report's content cannot be shared without violating our copyright. Lobbying firms, labor unions, state agencies, PR firms, etc. must sign up for a Group Subscription.


